Introducing chores for kids by age is a great way of teaching children to be responsible and to learn some independence skills. In order to have helpful teenagers later on, we must start teaching our children when they are still young. As they grow older it becomes second nature for them and stops being a chore. For chores to be accepted by kids it is the parent’s duty to make sure they introduce the chores the right way.
keep the following in mind
- Children are different, besides their age also consider their level of maturity, physical development and understanding.
- Give the kids time to adapt to and learn the chores.
- Teach them how to do the chore, do not expect them to know how to perform the task simply because they have seen you doing it before.
- Do not insist on perfection. Allow them to make mistakes and correct them lovingly.
- Start early, don’t delay
- Give lots of praise and show them that you value their efforts.
- Be consistent,
- Make a chores list first and include every chore you need help with
- Make a chore chart or choose a chart to buy with the help of the kids
- Let the kids choose the chores they would like to do the most and assign the rest.
- Make sure that the kids have chosen age appropriate chores.
- Be specific, there is a difference between “clean your room” and ” put dirty clothes in the basket, put books on the shelf and put toys into the boxes. Give explicit instructions
- Ease into the chores
- Do not micro manage. Go easy with reminders and deadlines
Chores for children ages 2 to 3

Chore Charts
Colorful Family Chore Chart,Family Planner Printable, Weekly Family Schedule. Get organized and keep track of all of your family member's household tasks for the week You can use the template over and over again!
At this age kids love to help you out. Use that to build their interest. keep in mind that at this age they may not complete the chore on their own. Be there to prompt and help them out.
- Put toys away
- Pick up clothes on the floor
- Put food in Pet’s dish
- Help wipe up messes
- Help with dustingÂ
Chores for children ages 4 to 5
kids at this age love spending one on one time with adults. Use that time to teach them new chores. You can introduce rewards at this age. Let them choose appropriate rewards. Do not go overboard.
- Any of the chores above
- Make their beds
- Clear table
- Water flowers
- Bring in mail or newspapers
Chores for kids ages 6 to 7
At this age kids aren’t really stocked about chores. However, they love to be independent so you can actively use chore charts so you can keep track of their responsibilities together
- Any of the chores above
- Sort laundry
- wash plastic dishes
- Sweep floors
- Vacuum
- weed and rake leaves
- keep bedroom tidy
Chores for kids ages 8 to 9
kids at this age will appreciate it if you set a schedule and expectations. Try not to develop it without their input.
- Any of the chores above
- Load dishwasher
- put away groceries
- Help make dinner
- Make simple snacks
- Peel vegetables
- Make toast
- Mop floors
- Take Pets out for on walk
- Take out trash
Chores for kids aged 10 to 12
Chores will be accepted more if the schedule is created with their input. Find a schedule andsystem that works for everyone involved and try not to change it unexpectedly. On top of rewards also address negative consequences for missed chores.
- Any of the above chores
- Unload dishwasher
- Fold laundry
- Cook simple meal with supervision
- Clean kitchen
- Do laundry
Chores for Teenagers
Teenagers are able to handle almost all the chores if they have had years of practice or proper teaching. Ensure that the chores do not overwhelm them. Do not give them too much to do as their schedule may already be loaded.
- Baby sit
- Do laundry
- Wash cars
- Wash windows
- Prepare meals
- Go for shopping
I hope you found this list helpful. Feel free to share more chores and your thoughts around kids doing chores.