At the begining of each new year we all feel this urge to get organized and be ready to face the year ahead. There is no perfect way to get organised for the year. The following tips are just there to guide you so that you don’t get overwhelmed. Pick a few that you feel will be best for you and your organisation needs.
1. Get organized by picking a few important tasks.

To keep up with your schedule, it’s better to pick a few tasks that you feel are important each day. Focusing on a few specific tasks will help you manage your time and be able to dedicate your energy on productive activities. You tend to achieve more when you narrow down your focus.
2. Use to do lists to get orgainized

I love to do lists and checklists. To do lists keep me organised throughout the day because I can track what I’m supposed to be doing, what I have accomplished and what I’m get to accomplish for the day. You can use paper based to do lists if you like writing things down or you can use an app on your mobile phone. I use Microsoft To do and Google Calendar to keep track of my daily tasks.
3. Focus on one thing at a time

You will find that trying to do many things at once may be costly in that at the end of the day you may not have finished a single tasks. In as much as multi-tasking gets a lot done for some people, its not for everyone. Multi – tasking is a skill that you need to master first for you to be great at it. In the mean time try working on one task at a time and move on to the next when you finish it.
4. Plan ahead to get organized

We all know that failure to plan is planning to fail. Wether it’s planning on what to buy or as simple as planning a meal. If you don’t take the time to plan ahead you will waste a lot of time trying to figure out the task when it’s time to execute the task. You may find out in the last minute that you don’t have all the necessary tools or requirements you need to finish the task. In the end you would have wasted your time and energy for nothing.
5. Do not procrastinate to get orgainized

To stay on top of your tasks in the day, try not to procrastinate. The longer time you wait to do the task will result in the task being difficult to tackle. We can take for example washing dishes. If you don’t wash the breakfast dishes in the morning when you were supposed to. In the evening you will find yourself having to wash a full load than you would’ve wanted. On top of that spending more time doing the dishes now than necessary.
Being organized has a lot of health benefits. Like stress relief, you sleep better, you will be more productive and have a healthier lifestyle. May these tips help you in get organized in your day.
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