Hey Wife to Mom readers!

This is to just let you know that certain products/services and links to products/services are affiliate links, and I may earn a commission for any purchases that you make. Occasionally, I give my honest opinion on products and/or services and get compensated for it. This will not incur additional cost to you in any way.

I believe in the products I recommend to you and want to help you improve your or children’s life. I only recommend products or services that I feel deliver value to you. I would like to put it out in the open that this blog, Wife to Mom is a for-profit business, therefore it means I do earn an income with this website.

To make it easy on the both of us, when browsing through the website you should assume that any links leading you to products or services are affiliate links and that I will receive commission from your purchase.

All efforts are made to ensure that affiliate links are disclosed in accordance with the FTC.

I would be happy to answer any questions and provide any more information if needed.

Thank You!

Happy Reading!!!