Heeey, welcome to my Wife to Mom blog!!!! My name is Viola Susan,, Just an ordinary millennial navigating through life as a special needs mom.
Viola the mom.
I am a wife and mom to two sweet little boys. I’m also an autism mom who loves to share life experiences as a special needs mom. I am a homebody, I really enjoy spending time at home. I don’t know much about fashion and makeup. I’m a jeans and t-shirt type of person so don’t be surprised if you see me with a plain face because that’s my everyday look. I love cake baking & decorating, I find it so therapeutic. I’m not much of a DIY person but I know my way around a sewing machine. I started this blog as an extention of my journaling activities. I am one of the few young people who are still into journaling. Having suffered from depression in the past, writing my thoughts down really helped me to free my mind and since then, journaling has been part of my self-care routine.
Life as a young special needs mom is very challenging and it can be lonely. I am my son’s therapist, nurse, teacher and friend. Wearing all these hats for the past years has taught me a lot. I have grown in ways that I never imagined. My wish is to share all that knowledge with other mothers in the same situation who are trying to navigate the challenges of being a special needs mom. I am grateful for my husband who walks this journey with me. He is such a great partner and dad.
In as much as I find tending to the home and taking care of my family to be important, I don’t want it to be my sole life’s purpose. Apart from being a mom, I am a chartered business strategist and my areas of specialization include marketing, sales, leadership, project management and change management.
Personal development is very important to me and being able to pursue my dreams regardless of what life throws at me. I am a Certified Business Strategist, Certifed Scrum Master and Certified Project Manager. I also have an MBA, a Post Grad in Project Management and a Post Grad in Infor Systems and Business Analysis. All these credentials and certificates I got them while running my family and still being a mom. I have never missed any of my son’s therapy sessions. I still take care of my home and family in the process. With a positive mindset, clear priorities and a can do attitude you too can work on your dreams and goals.
My hope is to inspire you to live your happiest blissful life. Most importantly stay sane and winning as a millennial mom.